- Announcements
- Bug Fixes
- New Features
- Site Performance
These release notes reflect how brilliantly our development team is shipping out solutions to some of your challenges. When posting text with images in Resource elements, a bit of duplication was uncalled for, so this is being put right in an update. A fix is being applied to certain sites that were struggling to change their page layout in Composer. Other issues, such as Page Pops image display when scrolled and disappearing resource images, are being resolved once and for all!
An exciting announcement is the release of our New Mobile App and Finalsite Chat, allowing parents and guardians to communicate with teachers and coaches to collaborate on the best way to engage their students.
What's New
- New Mobile App: We’ve rebuilt our mobile app with enhanced functionality, a new interface, and translation! Check out our new Mobile App hub for more information.
- Parent-Teacher Chat: With our new mobile app and chat, teachers and parents can chat while district and school administrators actively monitor and moderate to create a safe, secure, and engaging environment! Learn more about how to get started by reading our Knowledge Base article, “Chat via Finalsite’s new mobile app.”
Bug Fixes
- Composer: Sites were unable to change the page layout in Composer through the Page layout and appearance menu, instead only being able to insert Layout elements with the Element Library. This is being fixed and will work as expected now.
- Page Pops: An update is being applied to page pops with multiple announcements that displayed a partial image when scrolled through.
- Resources: Resource elements displayed images with duplicate titles, and some images disappeared after editing. This release will resolve both issues.
- Resources: Issues remain within Resources filtering of images where used images populated when “Unused” was selected. This will be resolved once and for all!
- Chat
- Composer
- New Mobile App
- Page Pops
- Resources