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Software Update: May 6, 2022
Lauren Lentini

I’m not the biggest sports fan, but I am a fan of Forms — especially with all the great updates our dauntless devs have implemented based on your feedback! After this week’s software update, you’ll be able to see the last four digits of the submitter’s card number when a credit card payment is made. It will be displayed in the results view and the export, as well as in the admin notification email. The whole payment process will still be managed directly through your payment gateway provider, but seeing the last four digits of the card number on the form result will make it easier to reconcile the payment records. We had lots of requests for this feature, so we’re happy to include it.

We’ve got a couple more updates for you this time, so keep reading!


  • It is now possible to display the resource title or filename in the Resource element Single format.


  • We fixed an issue that was affecting the clone tool in the form editor view. 

  • When someone submits a form with a credit card payment, the last four digits of their card number will be shown in the form submissions (including export) and in admin notifications.

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