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Software Updates: April 25, 2020
Lauren Lentini

You may have been sending a lot more emails lately. Debating on what wording to use or what image to place can be daunting. To help with your many messages, we are including an undo button! We’re also making it easier and more intuitive to upload lists, among other changes. There will also be some accessibility improvements you won’t even notice unless you need them. Read on for the highlights of this Saturday’s release.


  • We’re adding a “Skip to Main Content” link for all sites. This won’t be visible on the page, but screen readers will pick up on it and help those users find the information they want more quickly.


  • Elements with slideshow formats will now be responsive. 


  • It will now be possible to undo changes in the Messages editor. 

  • We’re improving the upload process for lists, including changes to the preview and duplication screen to make them easier to understand. You’ll also no longer need to include column headers for names if you’re uploading a list with email addresses only.

  • The Subscriber Activity card on the Messages dashboard will be updated to display the total number of unique subscribers, as well as unsubscribe and suppression data. 

  • The role or roles of the user will be shown on the suppressions lists, individual lists, and the activity report for an individual message. 

  • Suppressions lists will now display “No Messages” unsubscribes (aka, global unsubscribes).

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