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Software Updates: May 25, 2019
Keegan Soncha

We’ve updated a number of views in the Workflows module to show some additional statistics, and we created an exciting new entry trigger! The mobile app continues to get additional updates, and we’ve fixed a few issues in Posts and Registration Manager.

The Site Search feature got an update to how it returns results, as well.

In Workflows, admins can set up a new branch type to trigger a message when a user clicks on a specific link. Please be sure to not change that link once this is set up without resetting the trigger.  

There is now an entry trigger setting that allows you to choose whether adding a user to a workflow will remove users from other workflows!

Workflow admins can now see numbers for active and subscribed users in a workflow when viewing the list of workflows.

We’ve updated the Workflows statistics section to include graphics and numbers for Sent, Delivered, and Clicks per message in the workflow.  

Mobile app
Hyperlinks included in the text of posts, calendar events, constituent profiles, and athletics events can now be tapped to open in the device’s browser.

Admin users will now be able to associate specific Resources galleries and calendars with specific locations.

We have corrected an issue in Posts, which showed an invalid Unsubscribe link when using custom unsubscribe pages.

Site Search
Site Search will now utilize OR logic instead of AND logic, so that phrases that are searched will bring back results based on any of those words, instead of only bringing back pages with the exact search phrase.  

Registration Manager
The admin notification email sent out after a Registration Manager form submission will again include payment type information, including credit card type and approval code.  

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