analytics screen on laptop with woman typing

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Team Up With Our Experts to Make Better Decisions About Your Website.

Smart Data. Smarter Decisions.

We’ve spent hundreds of hours poring over stats for school websites. We’ve also aggregated hundreds of sites’ stats into dozens of tightly-defined peer groups in order to determine “what’s normal” for school sites of different types. As a result, we are experts at translating your site’s historical usage patterns into changes that will improve the user experience, eliminate tasks with low value, and produce better results.

screenshot of finalsite dashboard analytics displayed in a laptop

Get Important Website Metrics at a Glance with Finalsite Dashboard

Love data but hate making sense of it all? Finalsite Dashboard is for you.


  • A simplified aggregate interface of your school's Google Analytics Data
  • Peer group benchmarking data so that you can compare your site's performance to ones most similar to it
  • Simplified reporting with PDF, Excel and image exports
  • The ability to build dashboards for your Head of School or Superintendent that include stats like total enrollment or AP scores year over year


finalsite employee in blue shirt consulting with a client

Connecting Tactics to Goals

Leverage your school's data with our team's experience for success.

Our consultants have deep work experience both on the web and in independent schools, districts, and higher ed. We combine an understanding of how schools work with the humility to know that your particular situation is unique. We listen to your goals, we share our fresh perspective, and sometimes we ask tough questions about the emperor’s outfit. The end result is a site whose feature set and workflows can be connected back to the high-level strategic goals that empower the school to achieve its mission.


Request a Demo

Want to make better data-driven decisions on your website? Try Finalsite Dashboard today with one of our experts.